Friday, July 15, 2011

KitchenAid Grain Mill Attachment

Grain Mill Attachment
Milling flour at home is a great way to save money and it’s healthier than bleached flour from the grocery store because the wheat bran and germ have not been removed which is a natural fiber and contains several vitamins and minerals including vitamin b and iron.

For those with celiac disease a grain mill is a great advantage because it gives them control to make their own gluten free flour using their choice of alternative grains. Plus they know it hasn’t been contaminated because they milled the flour themselves.

The KitchenAid grain mill attachment is a great tool because it doesn’t require manual labor to make it work leaving both hands free to refill the hopper with more grain while the mill is running. Also, the grind on the grain mill attachment can be adjusted from fine to coarse. So if you need baking flour or you want cracked wheat for breakfast you have the choice.

  • Have you ever made anything with fresh milled flour?
  • What was it and how did you like it?
  • Have you ever made flour using an alternative grain?
  • What kind of grain did you use, what did you make and how did it turn out?

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